Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Some good books, some bad books.

I have been busy with my reading the past few days. Well, kind of. I finished "Wide Sargasso Sea" (Jean Rhys) and am twenty pages away from finishing "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" (Marisha Pessl), which is a freaking long book. And I read half of "Life Before Man" (Margaret Atwood), but I will not talk about it yet, mostly because I am really distracted by the Simpsons (I know, I know).

Thoughts on Rhys:
I thought I was really going to like this one, as it came highly recommended from both Lanie and Kate Maxwell, who are both usually great sources. But I ended up feeling mostly disappointed. It wasn't terrible and I didn't regret reading it, but I'm not sure I was totally impressed. It's about Rochester (of "Jane Eyre" fame - which I have read, thanks very much, Macky) and his mad wife Bertha (who, according to this book, is actually named Antoinette but got renamed by Rochester for reasons unclear), all pre-Jane. It was weird; that's what I remember most about it. Rhys's Jamaica is one riddled with poverty, racism, and voodoo magic. Her imagery is beautiful and her language is often pure poetry, but even that doesn't manage to get my attention for long. It's short (just under 200 pages) and as a result feels incredibly rushed. There were tons of loose ends that were never tied up (her relationship with Sandi, why her name was changed to Bertha, and whether she's a mental case or just a raging alcoholic, to name a few).
In conclusion: recommended, but not highly.

Thoughts on Pessl:
I FREAKING LOVE THIS BOOK. I'm not done with it yet but it is really, really good so far. It took me about 150 pages to get into the story, but NOW I LOVE IT. I am off to go read it in a few minutes. I love the literary/cultural/etc. references throughout. It made me want to memorize and then recite a lot of poetry. Ahhh and such a thriller. I would write more about it, but.. Macky has already read it.
In conclusion: one of the best books I've read this year. Or last. Possibly ever?

Okay, I need to go finish that book. I wish I were a better book blogger. Oh well, practice makes perfect, eh?

Also, I can't decide if I should do book titles in quotes or italics. Thoughts?


1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

After your less than positive review of Wide Sargasso Sea, and the fact that I do not care for published fanfic, even if it is not really fanfic, I do not think I will be reading it. And yeah, Special Topics in Calamity Phiysics is really awesome, although it kind of disturbed me a little. I don't know. It was really good, but it just creeped me out.

I am reading too slow!! Not good!!

Also, I prefer underlining. I know most people seem to like italics, but I've chosen to use underlining and that's what I'm sticking with.